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Construction and Scaffold Liability

Can homeowners be held responsible for injuries that may occur to contractors while work is being done on their property? Many homeowners love new home face-lifts, but did they ever think what a dangerous home improvement job consisted of? Well, what happens if a contractor is injured while working? Who is responsible for their medical costs?

When it comes to construction site safety, much construction litigation arises from disputes over Scaffold Law liability. Simply, the Scaffold Law makes certain contractors and project owners liable for injuries to workers on construction sites. The Scaffold Law has been criticized for the burdens it imposes on contractors and owners and for allowing workers to collect even if they have ignored safety rules.

As Florida  construction attorneys can tell you, Scaffold Law liability is broad, but several exceptions save contractors from liability. Most importantly, a contractor must have control over the project site and the activity during which a worker was injured. Otherwise, the contractor will not be held liable for worker injuries occurring on-site.

To learn more about Homeowner Liability for Contractor Injuries, please click here.

To learn more about Scaffold Law Liability, please click here.

To schedule a consultation, please click here.

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