For a FREE Consultation,

Construction Funding and Lending Compliance

When it comes to any type of loan, there are many different terms within a traditional loan contract. From federal, state and consumer protection terms, it is important to review these with your local construction attorney before signing such documents.

Your local construction attorney is able to:

  • Review funding and lending agreements
  • Negotiate terms of such agreements
  • Preparation of funding and lending agreements
  • General State and Federal regulatory term review
  • Third party agreement preparation
  • Explain terms you might not understand

To schedule a consultation, please click here.

To view Grassi Advisors Article on Mitigation Banking Risks, please click here.

Get an Experienced Construction Litigation and Arbitration Firm Fighting for You!

The Law Offices of John Caravella, P.C. offers a free initial consultation with a Florida construction attorney to discuss your legal concerns with no obligation. To schedule an appointment, call our office today or fill out the form below.

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