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Green Construction and Sustainability

When it comes to Green Construction and Sustainability, there is no true definition of building green. However, we know there are many characteristics that support any such definition of “building green”.

For instance, building green and building sustainable construction, these days, could look like using solar power to create an electrically efficient home, sourcing and using biodegradable materials, taking advantage of water efficiency technologies and piping, as well as controlling waste management during your construction renovation projects.

As sole arbitrator in international green-energy disputes, Mr. Caravella understands energy efficient practices, the contract principles that bear upon them, and the problems that may persist. Mr. Caravella is also familiar with the types of disputes that arise when unscrupulous businesses take advantage of consumers by promising green energy systems but failing to deliver, and has assisted homeowners in these types of disputes.

According to the Construction 21 Organization:

72% of household emissions are due to space heating and the provision of hot water. (Jackson, 2021)

32% of landfill waste from construction and demolition of buildings. (Jackson, 2021)

13% of construction waste is sent directly to the landfill without being used. (Jackson, 2021)

For more information on Residential Solar Energy, please click here.

For more information on Cleaning Construction Waste, please click here.

To schedule a consultation, please click here.

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