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Licensing for Contractors and Design Professionals

In Florida, it is essential that members of the construction and architecture industry must be insured before performing work. From simple home improvements, quick electrical maintenance, or designing a home from scratch, these professionals need to be licensed, despite how much experience in any given industry. Design Professionals, such as architects and engineers, are no exception to this rule. There are requirements and duties of maintaining your architectural license, and disciplinary actions, as well as revocation of your architectural license when credentials fall short and potential forfeiture of fees for unlicensed architectural practice.

To learn more about Complying with the Rules and Regulations on the Practice of Architectural Licensing, please click here.

To schedule a consultation, please click here.

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The Law Offices of John Caravella, P.C. offers a free initial consultation with a Florida construction attorney to discuss your legal concerns with no obligation. To schedule an appointment, call our office today or fill out the form below.

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